an unlocked padlock with the key inserted

4 Key reasons for service industries to choose ERP software with Smart Automation services

The number of routine tasks people do daily is growing, but why is this hitting service industries harder? And how could your ERP software be doing more to tackle this problem?

Service organizations rely on people more than any other industry; with their people leading the services they provide. In this industry, people working at their best is the difference between success and failure. So the tools they use need to support them to do this.

The problem affecting many organizations in the service industry is the massive rise in admin and high-volume low-value tasks. So surely the ERP software you choose should be managing this, not making it worse? Well, the right ERP and Smart Automations can.

Holger Mueller of Constellation Research has written a paper on how
Unit4 pushes the ERP Platform to the next level.

Why ERP software is failing service industries?

Traditional ERP platforms and software tend to focus on product over people. Creating systems that are great for managing production. However, these product-focused ERPs tend to struggle when dealing with project-focused organizations leading to unnecessarily complex processes and workarounds.

This is where people-focused ERP software with Smart Automation services can have a considerable impact on the work your people do. By freeing them to focus on the service you provide and not the admin needed to support it. But how?

What people-focused ERPs do differently?

ERPs that focus on People Experience are fundamentally different. Built from the ground up around the needs of service industries. They allow for better user experiences and greater flexibility and adaptability.

People Experience ERPs use Smart Automations to free your staff from the daily grind of low-value jobs. Giving them the time they need to once again focus primarily on the service you provide. With features like Smart Automations working in the background to set your staff free; but how do they do this and what difference does it make?

The benefits Smart Automations give you…

A better People Experience

One significant impact of the growth in routine tasks is their impact on morale and engagement. So removing these tasks from your day-to-day boosts productivity, engagement, satisfaction and service levels.

More consistency

Automated tasks remove manual input and human error and are more efficient and consistent. They also do the work faster and for longer, with no dips in quality or consistency. Meaning you can manage more tasks, more often.

More time

Smart Automations let you remove large volumes of low-level tasks from your workloads. Rescuing your people from the grind and giving them more time to focus on high-value work making your systems and your people more productive than ever before. 

Easier compliance

Using Smart Automations lets you standardize numerous processes and make them compliant with any relevant standards. This compliance is built into every stage of the process and removes the human element from the process, meaning less need for additional training and updates.

The result

For those working in the service industry, moving to a people-focused ERP that has Smart Automation services, means you are working smarter. Releasing people to do more while making the mundane more manageable and powerful. Helping turn routine tasks into efficient and compliant processes that power your business's growth. These Smart Automations in your ERP are tools for growth and innovation and help you future proof your business against changes in demand. 

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