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Invoking Ubuntu to Heal a Divided World

from  August 8, 2024 | 4 min read

I’ve spoken about Ubuntu many times over the years, a South African philosophy that teaches us that "I am because we are." It emphasizes our interconnectedness and the importance of compassion and humanity towards others. I’ve also quoted Nelson Mandela often, a beacon of peace and unity. He wisely said, "For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others."

We continue to see so much anger and discrimination in the world, most recently with the unrest and violent riots in the UK. The global racial unrest we witness today is a profound reflection of deep-seated inequalities that have persisted for far too long. It is a stark reminder that our societies are still grappling with the painful legacies of discrimination and injustice, and its impact on society is both devastating and enlightening, as it compels us to confront uncomfortable truths and challenges us to build a world where every individual is valued and every voice is heard.

By contrast, I’m writing this watching the Olympic Games, which stand as a powerful testament to what humanity can achieve when united by a common purpose. They transcend boundaries of race, nationality, and culture, bringing together people from all corners of the globe in a celebration of excellence, sportsmanship, and camaraderie. The sight of athletes, each a beacon of dedication and perseverance, striving for greatness not just for personal glory, but in the spirit of mutual respect and shared dreams, is a poignant reminder of our potential to overcome divisions.

Championing Diversity and Inclusion

As a business leader who champions diversity passionately, I feel it is essential to address these events and reaffirm our values as a company and as a community. The scenes we have witnessed are deeply troubling and do not reflect the principles of peace and unity that we, and the vast majority of the global population, stand for.

Sadly, the journey to a just and peaceful world remains long. At Unit4, we work hard to ensure, support, and foster an inclusive workplace that represents all of our employees and the diversity we all represent. The actions of those involved in these violent riots, and other recent global events, are not only distressing but also stand in stark opposition to the values we uphold. If we desire society to adhere to a higher ethical standard, we must all exemplify that standard ourselves. As the Dalai Lama famously said: “Violence is not a sign of strength. The real strength lies in the gentleness and peace that bring about positive change."

Our company is built on the principles of respect, empathy, and inclusion, and we continue to uphold these values unwaveringly. It is through our own understanding and empathy that we can show our support for each other and continue to embrace diversity in all its forms.

We can all take a peaceful stand against discrimination and injustice. As we move forward, let's all promote and embody the spirit of Ubuntu to heal a divided world and pave the way for a more inclusive and compassionate society.

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Mike Ettling - Chief Executive Officer at Unit4

Mike Ettling

Unit4 Chief Executive Officer

I’m a CEO, Investor, builder of world class teams, champion of diversity and continuous learner, and I’m passionate about people. From my first leadership role in the Boy Scouts, to exec positions in the tech industry, my career has revolved around elevating, engaging and enabling people. I joined Unit4 to get the market as excited in our unique approach to enterprise tech as I am. We’re building systems that change how people experience work, and the impact will be huge.

Outside of work I’m a proud father, Liverpool supporter and South African.