Well-being4everyone, with the launch of company-wide days off

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Tania Garrett, Chief People Officer at Unit4


Last week’s World Mental Health Day was another timely reminder to ‘make mental health and well-being for all a global priority’.

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance can be a challenge, and many of us – particularly post-pandemic, with more people working at home - find the lines between our work and personal lives becoming increasingly blurred.

Having joined Unit4 as Chief People Officer in May, one of my priorities has been to focus on the wellbeing of our people. Unit4 had already implemented several initiatives to enhance our people’s work-life balance, such as an unlimited leave policy, together with flexible working principles, which have greatly benefited colleagues across the globe.

That said, there's something really powerful about everyone collectively switching off, which is exactly why we have decided to introduce company-wide well-being days several times a year. The first will be held this Friday, 21st October, with three more days planned for 2023.

With the whole organization taking some well-deserved time out on the same day, our people can properly disconnect and do whatever they need to prioritize their wellbeing. We hope they will return to work feeling energized, more engaged, and empowered! And, for those support teams who provide business critical services to our customers, they are, of course, able to choose a replacement day off. 

By focusing on Unit4’s collective wellbeing, our people can take this time to spend the day doing whatever they find gives them a well-deserved break and the opportunity to recharge.

Prioritizing our physical and mental health is something that we should all focus on each and every day and it’s certainly a priority for Unit4 - after all, we're 'in business for people!’