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Unit4 Announces its New Virtual Event, Experience4U – the Largest Mid-Market Event for People-Centred Services Businesses

London, UK

September 14, 2020

Unit4, a cloud leader in enterprise software for people-centred organizations, today announced its new flagship global virtual event, Experience4U (X4U), taking place on 14th and 15th October 2020.

X4U will bring together customers, prospects, partners and others from the Unit4 community to collaborate and learn how the company is redefining ERP, focused on People Experience, by bringing together operations, finance and people management through a single enterprise cloud platform.

X4U is Unit4’s first global and fully virtual industry conference, with an agenda over two half days with more than 45 sessions including customer success stories, executive keynotes, guest speakers and deep dive product strategy presentations and demonstrations.

Industry thought leaders and Unit4 experts will share insights on HOW to transform the work experience for people and WHY that matters

The Unit4 X4U vision keynote address, hosted by Unit4 CEO Mike Ettling, will stream on Wednesday 14th October at 1pm BST / 7am EST. It will focus on the company’s vision for the future, and its exciting innovation roadmap that will help it redefine ERP so customers Experience Real Purpose.

Guest speakers have been chosen to support the ‘Power of Community’ theme and include:

  • Jimmy Wales, Founder of Wikipedia will share his perspective on the nature of purpose in creating and energizing one of the most high-profile nonprofit organizations in the world today
  • Lady Marieme Jamme, Activist and Founder of iamtheCODE, the first Africa-Led Global movement to mobilize governments, businesses and investors to support girls and young women in STEAMD

In addition, the product strategy and vision keynotes will feature Unit4 executives, industry analysts, and customers including

  • Oxfam
  • Migros Aare
  • University of Waterloo
  • Southampton Council
  • Magnox
  • Westminster, Kensington and Chelsea Council
  • Eurofins
  • Missouri Botanical Gardens
  • Forest Research
  • The Nature Conservancy
  • Ray Wang, Founder & Principal Analyst and Holger Mueller, VP & Principal Analyst, Constellation Research
  • Craig Schiff, President & CEP, BPM Partners
  • David Perring and Dr. Sven Elbert, Fosway Research

The full agenda is available here

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Press Contact

Lisa Stassoulli
Global Communications Manager
+44 (0)7870 916827