Unit4 has teams worldwide, delivering a better People Experience for our customers. Here’s where we are across the Nordic region to support organizations in the business of helping people.
About us
We have many years’ experience of working with people-centered organizations across Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland, both as innovative, locally focused teams and as core parts of Unit4’s global organization.
Explore our region
Please click on the tiles below to further explore the Nordics region and find out more about our teams and solutions in each country.
We can help YOUR organization drive strategy, boost performance and adapt to change – let’s talk!
Get in touch with our industry experts.
Nordic Region main offices
Unit4 AS (Unit4 Agresso AS)
Gjerdrums vei 4
0484 Oslo
Unit4 AB
Gustav III:s Boulevard 18
169 73 Solna
Unit4 A/S
Flæsketorvet 68, 2.
1711 København
Unit4 Oy
Tietäjäntie 2
02130 Espoo