
Unit4 has teams worldwide, delivering a better People Experience for our customers. Here’s what we do in Poland to support organizations in the business of helping people.

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About us

We have over 30 years’ experience of working with people-centered organizations in Poland, both as an innovative, home-grown success story with ERP and HR systems sold under the Teta brand, and as a core part of Unit4’s global organization. We deliver our solutions to medium and large entities in Poland.

Local Solutions

image of two people's hands holding a mobile phone

Core HR & Payroll

This solution enables comprehensive management and support for all core HR & payroll processes across the enterprise. It is offered in 3 access models: SaaS, On-premise, HR & payroll outsourcing. An integral part of the system is Teta ME, an advanced, mobile, employee self-service platform to fulfil all HR needs.

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Teta ERP

This is a holistic solution that automates work and streamlines processes in the whole organization. Thanks to its wide range of functionality and flexibility, Teta ERP is individually adapted to the needs of the organization.

image of cut outs representing people. The people are presented in separate groups

Teta Workforce Management

This solution aims to optimize the productivity of employees and allows them to plan their work better. Thanks to up-to-date information about available resources, you can manage your company and your people even more effectively.

A laptop and calculator on a light blue background

HR & Payroll Outsourcing

This is a professional and fully secure HR and payroll service. Let us take care of payroll and HR administration in your organization, so that your employees can focus on the development of your business.

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In Unit4 Poland, we have been successfully delivering ERP/HR software, for over 30 years, for medium and large enterprises in Poland, operating across all scopes of industry. We also offer an ERP solution that is dedicated to Higher Education

Trusted by organizations that serve people

For over 30 years, we have successfully delivered our solutions to over 2,000 leading large and medium-sized enterprises and institutions throughout Poland. We appreciate the trust of employees-centered companies. We incorporate IT solutions with the goals of your company that adapt to your needs, automates work and are intuitive.

We Partner with the Best

Two men shaking hands with a contract on the table

Unit4 Poland has an intensive policy of building relations with partners.

We work with the world's leading IT technology suppliers, software and device manufacturers supplementing Unit4 Poland packages, as well as consulting companies and educational institutions.


We can help YOUR organization drive strategy, boost performance and adapt to change – let’s talk!

Get in touch with our industry experts.

Poland offices

Unit4 Polska sp. z o.o.
ul. Powstańców Śląskich 7a
53-332 Wrocław

+48 71 323 40 00

Unit4 Polska sp. z o.o.
ul. Postępu 18b
02-676 Warsaw